2.3.6 Reflection
Consider one or more of the following questions to reflect on at the end of Subtopic 2.3. Discuss with another student or in a small group, or record (written, audio, video) your response.
Based on what you have learned in Subtopic 2.3, how would you explain intrahousehold bargaining power to someone new to the subject?
After completing Subtopic 2.3, to what extent are you more aware of power relationships and inequalities related to households? What insights, if any, have you gained about your own household?
Looking to the future, when you may be an adult with some power in a household, what steps might you take to ensure more balanced power relationships between household members?
Are you or your family members connected to any global care chains? If so, what insights have you gained about those global relationships from the information in Subtopic 2.3?