4.2.7 Reflection
Consider one or more of the following questions to reflect on at the end of Subtopic 4.2. Discuss with another student or in a small group, or record (written, audio, video) your response.
To what extent is eco-stewardship of nature also possible in more populated urban areas? On a global scale?
Due to the density of populations in urban areas and stricter regulations and oversight of land and housing, urban commoning may be more dependent on state cooperation and support than some other spheres. Even if a city government supports commoning now, this could change in the future.
What do you think commoners might be able to do to ensure that their projects are resilient in the face of political changes? You might wish to consider some specific kind of commoning project to focus your thoughts
It seems clear how a group of people could form deep affect, or emotional, connections to nature (Section 4.1.5).
To what extent do you think it is also possible to develop a deep caring relationship with human-made shared resources (software, creative works, urban spaces, etc.)?
Is this deep caring connection as important with human-made shared resources as it is with ecosystems? Why or why not?
Imagine a commons that you would like to be a part of in the future. What would this look and feel like?
What is the resource, or care-wealth, that you would like to share with others?
Who is in the community that shares it?
What kind of rules might there be?
You could orally discuss this with others, write or audio record a reflection, or draw a picture of the commoning.
Referring to specific human needs in the social foundation and specific planetary boundaries of the ecological ceiling, explain how the various spheres of commoning can help get us into the “safe and just space for humanity” of the Doughnut Economics model. You can (re)-learn about that model in Section 1.3.4 if you need to.
Discuss with a partner, or as a class, or write/audio record an individual reflection.
You may want to focus on one specific sphere of commoning from Subtopic 4.2 to make your thoughts more concrete.
Figure 1. The Doughnut Economics model showing the “safe and just space for humanity” where human needs are met within planetary boundaries