2.1.6 Reflection
Consider one or more of the following questions to reflect on at the end of Subtopic 2.1 The household as a system. Discuss with another student or in a small group, or record (written, audio, video) your response.
Based on what you have learned in Subtopic 2.1, how would you explain the household to someone new to economics?
Based on what you have learned in Subtopic 2.1, how has your understanding of your role in the economy changed?
I used to think…
Now I think…
What factors seem to affect your own household size and composition? Has your household size and composition changed over time? Why or why not?
To what extent are you developing householding skills as you mature? What or who is supporting you to develop those skills? What is getting in your way? What steps can you take to improve your householding skills?