3.1.5 Ecologically embedded markets

Helpful prior knowledge and learning objectives

Helpful prior learning:

Learning objectives:

The Amazon Rainforest, spanning multiple countries in northern South America, covers about 6.7 million square kilometres—twice the size of India. Known as the "lungs of the Earth," it plays a key role in the oxygen, carbon, and water biogeochemical cycles (Section 1.2.5). Evaporation from the forest affects global climate patterns. The Amazon is also home to around 10% of the world’s plant and animal species, many of which are endemic, found nowhere else.

However, business activities significantly harm the Amazon Rainforest. Agricultural, mining and logging companies clear vast areas of the forest to use its resources to make products to sell to consumers/households. This deforestation destroys habitats, displacing countless species. Fewer trees means that less carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed from the atmosphere, increasing greenhouse gases and global warming. Deforestation also disrupts the Amazon’s water cycles, affecting global weather patterns. 

The destruction of rainforests like the Amazon also impacts indigenous communities. According to WWF, over 47 million people live in the Amazon basin, including 2.2 million from indigenous communities, relying on the Amazon for their survival and livelihoods.

The destruction of the Amazon and other rainforests in Africa and Asia for short-term business profit is not just a local issue, it has far-reaching effects on the planet's climate, water cycle, and biodiversity. These ecosystems are essential for all life on Earth, driving climate and weather patterns around the world.

Recognising our dependence on ecosystems for energy and materials can lead to more regenerative economic practices, helping to ensure that we meet real human needs within the means of the planet.

How are businesses and markets dependent on ecosystems?

The economy is all the human-made systems we use to transfer and transform energy and matter to meet human needs (and wants). Markets are part of a larger provisioning system that converts biophysical inputs into (hopefully) good social outcomes as seen in Figure 9 and discussed in Section 1.3.5.

Provisioning systems illustration, showing biophysical inputs, provisioning systems and social outcomes

Figure 49 Provisioning systems link Earth’s resources and systems, or biophysical inputs, with social outcomes

(Credit: Adapted from O'Neill et al. (2018))

Businesses in markets need energy

Energy is essential for all life on Earth (Figure 10). Businesses use energy to power machines that produce the goods and services we rely on each day. Certain types of businesses use significantly more energy than others because of what and how they produce:

The embedded economy model showing energy inputs and heat outputs

Figure 10. The embedded economy: energy in, heat out

(Credit: Kate Raworth and Marcia Mihotich, CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Photograph of the Tata Steel factory

Figure 11. Manufacturing and heavy industry requires energy to transform raw materials into finished products, like the Tata Steel plant in the Netherlands

(Credit: Svdmolen, CC BY 2.5)

Figure 12. Transportation requires fuels (mainly fossil fuels now) to move goods and people around the world

(Credit: Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0)

Figure 13. Technology, particularly data centres, requires energy to process and store data; artificial intelligence (AI) is particularly energy intensive

(Credit: Rawpixel, CC0)

Renewable energy sources, like solar and wind, regenerate or flow, and are more sustainable than limited nonrenewable energy sources like fossil fuels (Section 1.2.2). Renewable energy production, especially for electricity, is growing rapidly (Figure 14). However, as of 2024, fossil fuels still supply about 80% of global energy. 

Reducing this percentage is challenging because the size of our economies and energy demand are growing rapidly. Increased efficiency lowers production costs, which lead businesses to produce even more products. As a result, renewable energy is often being added to our economies in addition to fossil fuels rather than replacing them (Figure 15). This counterintuitive situation, where improved efficiency results in more production, energy and material use, is called Jevons paradox (Section 1.2.3).

Figure 14. Share of electricity production from renewable energy, world

(Note: you can add countries to this line graph and switch to the interactive map to make comparison easier)

(Credit: Our World in Data)

Figure 15. Global primary energy consumption by source since 1800

(Credit: Our World in Data)

Businesses in markets need matter

Matter, anything that has mass and occupies space, is another component for business activity in markets. Businesses use raw materials like minerals, water, and biomass (Figure 16). These materials are extracted, transformed, and used to produce products to meet human needs and wants. 

The embedded economy, showing inputs of matter and outputs of waste

Figure 16. The embedded economy, with matter inflows and waste matter outflows

(Credit: Kate Raworth and Marcia Mihotich)

For example, trees are cut to produce furniture, and metals are mined for steel, electronics and many other goods (Figure 17). Water is another vital material resource used in many activities. Farming and drinks production is an obvious use, but there is a lot of embedded water in everything we use. Did you know that making a T-shirt requires 2,500 litres of water?

Graphic showing the metals we use to produce products

Figure 17. The metals mined from Earth in 2021

(Credit: Visual Capitalist)

How do markets impact ecosystems?

Using energy and matter to meet human needs and wants in market activities harms ecosystems in a number of ways. Understanding these impacts can help both consumers and businesses make more sustainable choices and advocate for better business practices. 

The information below uses the planetary boundaries model (Figure 18, Section 1.2.7) to organise the ecological impacts of business activity.

illustration of the planetary boundaries model

Figure 18. Planetary boundaries model

(Credit: Stockholm Resilience Centre CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Climate change

Climate change is one of the most significant impacts of business activity in markets. Businesses burn fossil fuels for energy to extract raw materials, and produce, transport, and sell their products to consumers/households. Burning fossil fuels disrupts the carbon cycle by releasing COâ‚‚ and methane, trapping heat in the atmosphere which leads to more frequent and extreme weather events and disruptions to the water cycle.

Novel entities

(chemical pollution)

Chemical, manufacturing and other industries release massive amounts of chemicals into ecosystems. Many chemicals remain in ecosystems and human bodies for a very long time. These 'forever chemicals’ can cause irreversible damage to the way ecosystems function.

Stratospheric ozone depletion

Human-made chemical emissions in the atmosphere have damaged the ozone layer, which protects all life on Earth from harmful UV radiation. These emissions are mainly from chemicals used in refrigerators and air conditioners, fire extinguishers and aerosol propellants. The Montreal Protocol, a global agreement, has limited these damaging emissions.

Atmospheric aerosol loading

(air pollution)

Humans emit microparticles or aerosols, like soot from burning waste, into the atmosphere through industrial production and transportation. These particles are often toxic to plants and animals, including humans, and affect cloud formation and rainfall patterns, disrupting ecosystems.

Ocean acidification

Ocean acidification is caused by the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2), forming carbonic acid that damages the exoskeletons of some animals and threatens corals and the habitats they provide for fish and other marine organisms. Business activities that increase COâ‚‚ emissions directly contribute to this problem, threatening marine ecosystems.

Biogeochemical flows

(phosphorus and nitrogen)

Biogeochemical flows involve the cycles of elements like nitrogen and phosphorus. These elements are crucial for plant growth, but human activities have disrupted their natural cycles. Using synthetic fertilisers in agriculture adds excess nitrogen and phosphorus to soils and water. This creates algal blooms, depleting oxygen in the water and causing dead zones in oceans and lakes.

Freshwater change

Using excessive surface water (blue water) and groundwater (green water) for agriculture, industry and households depletes water stocks and flow. This interferes with the water cycle which supports the transfer and transformation of energy and matter in ecosystems.

Land-use change

Humans convert land, such as forest and wetlands, for agriculture, material extraction for manufacturing and the built environment for human settlement and transportation. This use of land depletes soil carbon, destroys ecosystems and harms the land’s ability to cycle water, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Biosphere integrity (biodiversity)

Biodiversity is critical for ecosystem function and resilience. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), we have lost about 69% of Earth’s species since 1970 due to agriculture, material extraction, urbanisation, pollution, and climate change. Overconsumption and overproduction in markets is the main driver of biodiversity loss.

Understanding the deep connection between market activities and ecological systems is crucial for designing regenerative economic systems. By recognising how our production and consumption activities impact Earth’s systems, we can make better choices about what and how much energy and materials we need to survive and thrive, and advocate for businesses and state policies to create and maintain the conditions for life.

Activity 3.1.5

Concept: Systems

Skills: Thinking skills (transfer, critical thinking)

Time: Varies, depending on option

Type: Individual, pairs, group?

Option 1 - Annotating diagrams

Time: 30-40 minutes

In this section you learned about the impacts of business activities on ecosystems. These systems are discussed in greater detail in Section 1.2.5 and Section 1.2.6, but even with just this section, you should be able to identify some impacts on two biogeochemical cycles: the water cycle (Figure 19) and the carbon cycle (Figure 20) - click on the arrow below to reveal them.

You may want to work alone to test your understanding, or work with a partner to support each other’s understanding.

Water Cycle - click to reveal image

Carbon cycle - click to reveal image

Option 2: Discussion

Time: 20 minutes

When discussing the impact of business activities on ecosystems, business owners might argue that they are just responding to consumer/household demand and that the burden is on consumers/households to change their behaviour if we want to lessen the impact on ecosystems.

Option 3: Reflection on use of AI

Time: 30 minutes

Many individuals and businesses are using artificial intelligence tools to support them with their work, maybe also you? If you are using these tools:

Note: this activity can be expanded into a larger project to research and raise awareness of the use of AI in the school community, potentially sparking a discussion on appropriate use of the tools that go beyond the usual discussions about academic honesty.

Option 4. Exploring global deforestation with an interactive map

Time: 20-25 minutes

This section started by looking at the impact of business activities on the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon is not the only forest experiencing deforestation. There are other large rainforests in Africa and Asia that are under threat, as well as temperate forests and boreal forests.

The website Global Forest Watch has a beautiful, rich and saddening interactive global map where you can see areas of the world that are losing and gaining forest.

Ideas for longer activities and projects are listed in Subtopic 3.5 Taking action

Checking for understanding

Further exploration


Daly, H., Farley, J. (2011). Ecological Economics (2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

EcoRise. (2022, July 6). Home. Water Footprint Calculator. https://watercalculator.org/ 

Met Office (n.d.). Carbon cycle. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/climate/climate-explained/carbon-cycle

NASA (n.d.). Classroom Activity: Modelling the Water BudgetJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/modeling-the-water-budget/.

Raworth, K. (2017). Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist. London: Penguin Random House

Richardson, K. et al. (2023). Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries. Science Advances, 9(37). DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adh2458

WWF. (n.d.). The 2022 Living Planet Report. https://livingplanet.panda.org/en-US/#:~:text=The%20Living%20Planet%20Report%202022,are%20to%20reverse%20nature%20loss

WWF. (n.d.). Here are our top facts about the Amazon. https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/fascinating-facts/amazon#:~:text=1.,the%20side%20of%20the%20UK!


Link to Quizlet interactive flashcards and terminology games for Section 3.1.5 Ecologically embedded markets

biogeochemical cycle: Earth system cycles that move essential elements like water, carbon and nitrogen between living and nonliving parts of ecosystems

evaporation: the transformation of a substance like water from a liquid into a gas

climate: the weather conditions that are normal for an area over a long period

species: a group of organisms with similar characteristics, where the individuals are capable of interbreeding

endemic: an organism that is native and restricted to a certain place

consumer: someone who buys and uses resources and products ot meet needs

household: a system where people living together care for each other and do domestic work, often termed the 'core economy'

deforestation: removing a wide area of trees, often for farming, mining, or urbanisation

habitat: the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism

carbon dioxide (CO2): gas produced by burning carbon or organic compounds and through respiration, naturally present in the atmosphere and absorbed by plants in photosynthesis

greenhouse gas: gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat, warming the planet

global warming: the rise in the average temperature of Earth's air and oceans (due to human activities)

water cycle: the stocks and flows of all water on Earth

indigenous community: the original settlers of an area (pre-invasion/colonialism) who have retained their culture apart from colonisers

profit: total revenue minus total cost

biodiversity: the variety of living organisms on Earth

ecosystem: the interaction of groups of organisms with each other and their physical environment

energy: the ability to do work or cause change

regenerate: the process of restoring and revitalising something

economy: all the human-made systems that transfer and transform energy and matter to meet human needs and wants

transfer: to move something from one place to another

transform: a change in the state, energy or chemical nature of something

matter: anything that takes up space and has mass

market: a system where people buy and sell goods and services for a price.

provisioning system: systems that manage the levels of energy and matter used to meet specific human needs

biophysical input: Earth's biogeochemical cycles and natural resources

raw material: a basic material that is used to produce goods

fossil fuel: a non renewable energy source including coal, oil, and natural gas, formed over millions of years in the Earth's crust from decomposed plants and animals

artificial intelligence (AI): computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence

carbon dioxide (CO2): gas produced by burning carbon or organic compounds and through respiration, naturally present in the atmosphere and absorbed by plants in photosynthesis

renewable energy: energy from sources that are continuously available or regenerate quickly

nonrenewable energy: energy from sources that cannot be regenerated in a human timescale, such as coal, natural gas and oil

Jevons paradox: a situation where efficiency gains in an input are counteracted by increased consumption and production, resulting in even greater use of the input

biomass: organic matter

embedded water: the water hidden in goods, services and processes

ecosystem: the interaction of groups of organisms with each other and their physical environment

sustainable: meeting human needs within planetary limits

planetary boundaries: the limits of Earth systems to absorb the impact of human activity and continue to function

climate change: a change in the temperature and precipitation patterns in an area, in recent times due to human economic activities

carbon cycle: the movement of carbon between Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere

methane: a colourless, odourless flammable gas; natural gas

forever chemical: a toxic substance that persists and accumulates in the environment

UV radiation: invisible rays that are part of the energy that comes from the sun; can damage living organisms

aerosol propellant: a compressed gas that dispenses the contents of a container when the pressure is released

Montreal Protocol: an international agreement that protects the ozone layer by reducing ozone-depleting substances

aerosol: small solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in air

ocean acidification: a reduction in the pH of the ocean over time, caused primarily by absorption of carbon dioxide

carbon dioxide (CO2): gas produced by burning carbon or organic compounds and through respiration, naturally present in the atmosphere and absorbed by plants in photosynthesis

carbonic acid: an acid formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water

exoskeleton: a rigid external covering for the body in some animals

habitat: the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism

fertiliser: a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility

nitrogen: an element that occurs as a gas which makes up 78 percent of the atmosphere and that forms a part of all living tissues

phosphorus: an important element for living organisms as a component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is the primary energy source for organisms' cells

algal bloom: a rapid increase in the population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems

dead zone: a reduced level of oxygen in the water

surface water: water that collects on the surface of the ground, like lakes and rivers

groundwater: water that collects underground in soil or in rock crevices and pores

stock: an accumulation of something, such as energy, matter, information, or money

flow: movement of something such as energy, matter, information or money between stocks

water cycle: the stocks and flows of all water on Earth

wetland: a distinct ecosystem flooded or saturated by water, either permanently or seasonally

extraction: taking something away from somewhere else, especially using effort or force

built environment: human-made structures or conditions in an area

pollution: the presence of a substance that has harmful effects on the environment

overconsumption: buying and using more products and resources than you need