3.3.7 Reflection
Consider one or more of the following questions to reflect on at the end of Subtopic 3.3. Discuss with another student or in a small group, or record (written, audio, video) your response.
Write the five deep design elements (purpose, networks, governance, ownership, finance) on a large piece of paper or a digital document. Draw lines between these elements and annotate them to show how they are connected to one another.
Imagine changing one design element, like the purpose of the business, and explain how that might impact the other elements, and/or how the other elements might need to change to align.
If you had to rank the five deep design elements (purpose, networks, governance, ownership, finance) in order from most to least important for regenerative businesses, how would you rank them and why?
What does the difficulty of doing this tell you about these design elements?
Your school is a type of business and likely has a social and/or ecological mission. To what extent is your school thinking about the five business design elements to become more regenerative? What role do you and other students have in getting the school to think carefully about purpose, network, governance, ownership and finance?